About Me

Who Am I?

I'm Alonso Cano, I am a graduate from Intelligent Systems for Imagery and Audio in the University of Sorbonne Siences, Paris. I am currently in the pursuit of amplifying my computer vision, image processing or data science skills by using state of the art advances on deep learning and machine learning techniques.

I want to challenge myself, when it comes to problem solving I am very passionate, I take great interest on the problem at hand and I can spend countless hours looking for a solution.

The fact that I have had the opportunity to live for a period of time in different places around the world has given me the skills to be autonomous as well as being able to see the other side of the coin.

My Specialty

My Skills

I will always keep learning


Machine Learning


Deep Learning


Computer Vision




3D Modeling













Fusion 360





Université Sorbonne Sciences, Paris VI

2017 - 2019

My master's degree was on Intellingent Systems, Image and Sound processing

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris VI

2014 - 2017

Coming from Mexico I took the challenge of studying abroad in one of the most prestigious universities of France. Knowing very little French I was able to overcome this challenge. Now I can proudly say that I succeeded and I can speak French fluently.

  • Shanghai, China at Tonji University
  • Paris, France at Jacques Monod High School
    2010 - 2011
  • Victoria, Canada at Glenlyon-Norfolk School
    2007 - 2008

Work Experience

Ixaya - Humble

  • Management of two main projects: "Data extraction from documents" and "Data extraction from web scraping"
  • Used Deep Learning and Image Processing techniques for document classification, image segmentation and text extraction
  • Created an API using Flask, AWS Lambda and EC2 instances in order to upscale production depending on requests
  • Used Selenium to create bots in order to download or extract data depending on the database missing information and CRUD database handling
  • Reduced form filling time from 10 min to 25 sec (in average) by allowing users to upload documents and allows database to maintain itself by extracting data from specific insurance companies

Synfiny Advisors


Oct 2021 - Oct 2022

  • The objective is to create bots in order to automate Miniso's product placement
  • The RPA proceses are created with Automation Anywhere
  • The bots main requirements where to upkeep financial reports, item prices, quantities and internal data
  • The automation sped up proceses from around 2 hours to 15 min and eliminated repetitive tasks done from end users


  • The goal of the project was to detect alarm anomalies on telecommunication services provided by Orange France
  • Used unsupervised algorithms for anomaly detection of alarm systems
  • Evaluated unsupervised algorithms with statistical criteria in order to determine the best-one according to data set
  • The models were implemented for testing phase
  • The time that the supervision team took to detect certain anomalies was reduced
My Projects

Recent Projects

Hand gesture classifier

Ysing Deep Learning and OpenCV I created a classifer that allows to write some text on screen

100 49

Licence plate detection

License plate detection and automatic blurring using Pytorch and Opencv

100 49

Servo eyes

Servomotor-controlled eyes perform face detection and following from a video stream

100 49

A* Search

Using A* Search the algorithm is able to find a path from the green square to the red square

HSV Color Tracking

Using HSV colorspace, using OpenCV and Python, I am able to track a yellow ball